8.news article

One place you can take inspiration for a short film is the news, especially local news where there may be some smaller, irregular story's. In this news article, A woman pranks her husband, saying that she won £250,000, a few months later, she won £1 million. After calling her husband to tell him the news, he doesn't believe him. This caused me to wonder weather anything along these lines has happened before but with something else other than money. If it was just another prank, then nothing desperately bad will happen other that disappointment. If the wife had previously pranked her husband with something a lot more serious before, then this may not have been such a happy story. One example, may be if she pranked her husband into thinking that she was kidnapped. If this then actually happened, a lot like the news article, then the husband may not believe her and not do anything about it as he thinks it is a prank. I personally think that this would make a good short film, if...