5.Why are there short films?
Why are there short films?
Unlike feature films, short films are not usually made for revenue as they can neither be shown at cinemas, or brought. Although there are ways to make money off of them for example ad revenue, many people make them in order to get recognised and possibly have the chance to make a feature film in the future (where all the money is). A lot of short films are made as a work of art and expect nothing from it apart from for people to appreciate it. Other short films are created to put across a message, for example a film may show the bad side to drug taking, in order to prevent people from getting into drugs by scaring them.Anyone with the correct equipment can make a short film which is partly why they are so popular, however only the best directors of these short films get the opportunity to go higher with feature films.
Despite the fact that short films are not in many of the mainstream places you would find feature films such as cinemas and t.vs, there are places that you can go to see them. Short film festivals, for example the London short film festival, are popular places people can go to watch. Channel 4 are a platform that help new directors to exhibit their work on short films for example the film see me, which is shown alongside many others on the film 4 website. It has even been known for channel 4 to offer jobs on certain shows on their channel to the top quality directors. Film in general has been around since the 1890's, and yet you tube was not invented until 2005 with the internet only being launched in the late 1980's. This leaves a huge gap where peoples short films had very limited platforms to be shown on, since feature films were taking up the main stage at cinemas. Because of this, the short film industry only really started to flourish within the last 20 or so years.
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