6.Montage making - Filming practice


We have been looking at montages as possible ideas of what we can include in our short films. We watched the training montage from rocky. The use of montages tend to be used to show when large periods of time is passing as we do not have enough time to show absolutely everything that has happened. We also watched the montage in up, which is a montage of basically the whole life of a certain character.

After watching these montages, we attempted to make our own montage. Mine shows one school day of a student, and I ended up editing it to be a little over the top in a comical way, this is because nothing interesting really happened so i had to add the over the top music to engage the audience more, this film is shown bellow. If I was to have a montage in part of my short film that I am creating, I will make sure that there is a focus to what is being shown on screen or it will be a struggle to keep the audiences attention for a full 5 minutes.


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