9.my idea - setting, costume, props and casting
My Idea:
I have decided to do a film focusing on the homeless, The reason I have chosen this is because I have already found a location that I would like to film, and am planning on moulding a story around this building that I have found:

This building has a lot of character and many interesting features to film, for example, the broken windows, doors, and floorboards, as well as the graffiti all over the walls. I have had a look at another short film about a homeless man (bellow) and taken some inspiration. I like the way that in this film, you feel sorry for the homeless man, I think I will do a similar thing but take it even further, instead of just feeling sorry for the homeless man, I will add another character who treats him badly, making him the enemy on screen.
This image from Google is relatively what I want my homeless character to look like, however, I may try to make the clothes look even dirtier, to match the building that he will be living in, also I will not get the character to wear a hat because I want the audience to see as much emotion as possible, to cause them to side with him.
This is exactly the costume that I want the rich character wearing, the audience will instantly pick up that he is of both higher wealth, and status than my other character, meaning that I don't have to show it through other means for example dialogue, or expensive props.
Although the costume will mean that I do not have to spend lot's of money on props to show their social status, there are some that will be necessary. For example, as I am planning on showing the characters waking up and doing their morning routines, I will need some sleeping arrangements for the characters, for the wealthy character, I will just need a large bed for him to wake up in, however, the homeless man is a little more complicated. From what I have seen myself, and off of T.V, I know that they tend to sleep in sleeping bags, but then have some other random assortments of things to help them get comfortable, I was thinking of getting some cardboard to go on the floor, a sleeping bag, and also a dirty looking blanket, to make it look real. Below is an example of what I am going for.
Now that I have an idea of what I want my film to be, I need to get some actors to be in it, one way that I am thinking of getting some actors is off of a site called star now. I have viewed a few profiles and got an idea of some people who I would possibly like to be in it.

I think that Anthony would be great for the role of the wealthy man, and Craig for the homeless, Both have said that they would act in it for free, here is a conversation between me and Anthony:

I also have some backup ideas for the cast, there are some people from my school who are willing to act for me and suit the role, one has messy hair and so would fit with the mise-en-scene choices I have already made for the homeless person, and the other can wear a suit well, making him Ideal.
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